
   ‘Ecological grief’ grips scientists witnessing Great Barrier Reef’s decline

Exotic parrot colonies are flourishing across the country

Dinosaur bones shimmering with opal reveal a new species in Australia

Seabird poop speeds up coral growth
Scientific American

A gene linked to alcohol habits may influence who you choose to marry
New Scientist

Chemistry is the fastest path to a Nobel prize
Nature Index

Stopping marine roadkill
Hakai Magazine

Seagrass safeguards human history
Hakai Magazine

Warming oceans could make sharks “right-handed” – and deadlier
Scientific American

Power imbalance in clinical trials exposed
Nature Index

When breaking free is a mark of success
Nature Index

150 years of shifting global fishing
Hakai Magazine

The A to Z of paper authorship
Nature Index

We have unrealistic beauty standards for coral, too
Hakai Magazine

Citation analysis reveals the game changers
Nature Index

Scientists go to great lengths in reviewing high-quality research
Nature Index

Western Australia is home to ‘Australia’s Jurassic Park’
Australian Geographic

Rush to publish weakens scientific integrity, study finds
Nature Index

New tool tracks gender imbalance in medicine
Nature Index

This strange creature is the first sunfish species to be discovered in 130 years

We are entering a new era in colour science and researchers are buzzing

Self-driving cars could make moral decisions like humans with a simple algorithm

The ‘Mona Lisa’ of dinosaurs is so perfect we even know its skin colour

Ravens can plan for the future like humans and apes

Scientists have positive new results for using ketamine to treat severe depression

Is this bizarre tubeworm the longest-living animal in the world?

The Sun is ‘sneezing’ solar storms towards Earth

Scientists have figured out where the Sun’s plasma jets come from
Published by ScienceAlert

The perfect material for flexible electronics is based on a plant
Published by ScienceAlert

This amazing robot can grip like a gecko to clean up space junk

Physicists just smashed a record to achieve quantum entanglement in space

We’ve finally figured out where some of Earth’s mystery xenon came from

Astronomers just dead what Einstein said was impossible: weigh a star with gravity

NASA’s Juno spacecraft just shattered what we knew about Jupiter

Oldest evidence of life on land discovered in Western Australia
Australian Geographic

10 reasons Australians should celebrate bilbies, not bunnies, this Easter
Australian Geographic

Bearded dragons switch colour to match surroundings
Australian Geographic

DNA from ancient hair sample confirms Aboriginal Australians’ ties to country
Australian Geographic